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Patients are often asked to rate their pain on a scale from zero to ten, zero being no pain and ten being the worst pain you’ve ever felt. For some patients, answering that question may be a bit more complicated than it seems. 

The pain scales are designed to be a measure of pain severity. They are especially useful in establishing a baseline, so clinicians can see the progress of your...

Mar 10, 2021 | Categories: health-information

Alcohol is a widely available and socially acceptable substance that, when misused, can cause or exacerbate serious health and safety issues. Overuse and abuse of alcohol is found in drunk driving accidents and fatalities, domestic violence, child abuse, depression, suicides, job loss and financial troubles, homelessness, liver disease, heart disease, stroke, short-term memory loss, high blood pressure,...

Mar 01, 2021 | Categories: health-information

Winters in Upstate New York can be quite beautiful, but the cold, dry air can wreak havoc on your nose and throat. When cold temperatures take the moisture out of the air, the body’s mucus production slows down, inflaming the tissues in your nose and throat. Home heating can make the air inside your home as dry as the air outside, leaving no escape from the discomfort.  The irritation to your...

Feb 19, 2021 | Categories: health-information

Winter sports are a great way to get fresh air and exercise as a relief from being cooped up indoors. Here in the Adirondacks region, there are numerous activities available, even during the pandemic. Masking and social distancing are not hard to achieve when sledding, skating, skiing, and snowboarding.  Every sport has its risks, and winter sports are no exception. The best treatment is prevention,...

Feb 10, 2021 | Categories: health-information

Women in America have a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer. For men, the lifetime risk is much less, about 1 in 833, but it is no less serious.

There are many reasons, other than cancer, as to why a person’s breasts my change over time. Aging, hormones, certain medications, certain foods, and changes in weight can all affect the look and feel of breasts. If you notice a change,...

Feb 01, 2021 | Categories: health-information
online checkin

Monday – Wednesday:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8 AM – 3:30 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM

Extended hours, by appointment:
Monday – Friday:
7:30 AM – 8:00 AM


Fax: 518-886-5880

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